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Las Ketchup's Asereje was the first single in Spain
Jule 2, 2002
"Las Ketchup" are three: Lola, Lucia and
Pilar. These three young ladies are the new teen sensation from Spain
which at only one week of their first single release "Asereje",
have entered directly to #1 in the Spanish chart. They have also held
the #1 spot in the most important radio charts for two consecutive weeks.
There is no doubt that "Las Ketchup" with their contagious tune
"Asereje" are conquering everyone. Their catchy chorus will
not go unnoticed ... asereje, ja deje tejebe tude jebere seiunouba majabi
an de bugui an de buididipi!! Yes! they have their own language, but before
you know it the whole world will be singing their tune.
The name of their first album are "Las Hijas Del Tomate".
of "Asereje" in Real Audio